Why must parents beg for teachers help

Have you ever seen that lost kid in a classroom? The one who seems confused dazed or behind? Fuck that kid right! I mean screw him. He might have parents at home desperate to help him but fuck him. If he can't get the information or help through the normal channels fuck him.

Oh sure, if we made the assignments more easily accessible perhaps parents would know what was going on in the classroom but again, fuck them.

Fuck the lost kids, fuck the confused and scared kids, fuck the desperate parents literally BEGGING the teachers to help them help their kids. Fuck them.

I clearly have no idea how it is communicated. Clearly my son isn't getting the information. I can ask "What homework do you have in Chemistry today?" and he can say "We didn't get any homework." And the downward spiral continues.

Why can't I say "actually you have X assignment. Why don't we work on it. I'd love to help you with it."?

No. I am only left with punishments for failure instead of being able to help him through this hard time and give him support at home.

/r/education Thread Parent