"We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society" - Hillary Clinton

I email and tweet to hillary daily almost with, first a quote of hers. Followed by a nearly identical quote or personal opinion held by some of the worst and or dumbest people in history.

Also, I did a bit of research on her email situation. (I work in a law office, engineer though) and have drafted a document (I write this stuff for patents and technical defense cases) that has 385 previous precidents and a 342 page document, all from us supreme court cases, that is a bullet proof and indefensible accusation of treason.

It's been reviewed by 11 other firms. And stipulates, through past precidents and simple yet irrefutable logic that if she isn't tried for treason, then the jury of the US supreme court is an accomplice to this act.

Finally citing that under previous laws passed after perl harbor... the military must step in and impose martial law while replacements are found. This law, which I'll edit in later, suspends congress and the Senate. Is not bound by the office of the president during this period and is governed by the highest ranking general in the army.

Failure to comply, is explicitly stated as an action by an enemy combatant and they will be executed by firing squad with only the order from the general.

If he's not present, rules of engagement, in this case allow for any officer to use lethal force at their discretion.

Citing a 1961 ruling that treason, when done by a member of any non military govt agency, is not to be allowed trial, due to their level of knowledge and should be engaged at first opportunity. With lethal force being the only option.

I'm sending this to every state governor, as 2/3 of states must agree to forcefully remove one or more persons and or entire agencies.

49 states still have this in their constitutions. Thus making it an actual and legally verified method of eliminating a govt which has been infiltrated by enemy spies.

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