My 100th day without alcohol is a cause for celebration!

Congrats on a 100 days. Early on in my sobriety, I had one friend, her name was Lauren, she went back to drinking and I was devastated as there wasnt many young people who had an alcohol problem that also wanted to live without it or knew the struggle. She was a female me, My best friend. I kept going to the sober club where the hosted meetings and buying a soda around 4pm. one day i pulled up and on the bench outside I saw my friend lauren, who I hadnt seen in months at this point, she was a real fast to the bottom type drunk and i had kinda written her off. I went up to her and all i could muster is you look like hell, and went in and bought my soda. I came back out and we talked and she decided she didnt want to drink anymore. that was 5 years ago and we both are still alcohol free. Im flying to washington to go to her wedding next summer and im so excited to get to see her walk down the aisle and im so excited to remind her of the story of me telling her she looks like hell and then getting to tell her she looks like the most beautiful girl. Why did i share that story, I dont know, but good luck on not drinking.

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