My 14-year-old son is a selfish, entitled little brat and it is driving a wedge between me and my husband.

Dude, for real. I thought this was satire for a bit, with the whole "when he is home he just does his homework yadayada".

I was a kid who wasn't really in extra curricular after school, and when I would do anything, I would have to bum rides from friends because my parents (divorced) would both gripe and complain about "why can't (other parent) do it? I'm tired, I'm sick of f*cking doing this, etc."

I get being burnt out and tired, but it is no wonder her child resents her. I felt like an absolute burden every time I needed to go somewhere for school, needed school supplies for a project and we had to go to the soon before friday, or god forbid one parent tells me to tell the other to take me.

The issue isn't the kid. The issue is the husband not doing his part.

There are people on here using the old "just hit him, leave the Mr. Sports guy with hubby, take him out of sports, take his phone, etc." He is barely even into highschool. Instead of being livid with the KID, maybe talk to the kid like they are not a stone weighing you down. Instead, show them that your love is actually unconditional, even when you need a break. If they truly misbehave (not this bullshit "he likes sports, talking to his friends and he does alot of homework" nonsense), discipline then.

It kinda just seems like she is having to be a parent alone and she can't cope with it and is taking it out on her son, which will only drive a wedge between them. Any respect that is there will be gone if she keeps hating the fact that she has to raise him alone.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread Parent