My [14F] friend [14M] has been saying really hurtful things about my appearance during a period of already low self esteem

No i'm really not. I'm not trying to seek attention i'm trying to take peoples advice. On my old post I was very accepting of concrete advice, if you've been going through all my history. I'll admit it, yeah I can be self pitying or angsty or whatever you call it like a normal teenager. And its not just subject to teens either. I don't know how you want me to respond.

I don't think I'm really really ugly, I'm just not pretty and people let me know that and it hurts and it just kind of snuck up on me too. I know I don't have it bad. I don't know what you're trying to tell me or what you're doing here trying to piece together who I am when I'm just asking about what to do with my friend? Sure maybe my post got a little mopey left over from when I was being a super emo shithead about my looks. I don't know how you want me to respond to this?? Im accepting your advice, I just don't appreciate you trying to talk down to me and act like you know everything about me (and yes, im totally aware thats a cliche internet teenager phrase, I'll let you use that against me for laughs. admit it, it is a little funny) I just don't agree with everything you said right now.

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