My 16 year old is pregnant.

Ya so I never comment on ANYTHING on Reddit. But you touched my heart a little with your issue. So I’ll pose this question...Is anyone ever really ready to have a child? I have 4, and I would say no. They are more work, more money, more hours at work to provide, less sleep, less freedom, I think you get the idea. But they are also more love, more family, more joy, more legacy, more meaning during holidays, more life in the home. I wasn’t ready to have children at a young age. But I would never give each of them back. They complete my life in ways I couldn’t even describe. I work harder, pursued more education, made better financial decisions because I love those kids so much. It’s the trial, adversity and challenges in my life that have made me who I am. I want my life difficulties...I need my difficulties. They have defined me and made me strong. Anything that is truly great in my life does not come easily. It’s a struggle that I’ve fought for every single day. Is life ideal? No. Easy? No. But worth fighting for? Always. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it and how you choose to see it. I love one of the above comments that said no one hits their 30s with life looking like they pictured it. 20 years ago I thought my life would look way different than it does now. But it doesn’t...not by a long shot. And that’s ok. My family and kids aren’t perfect...but they’re mine. And I wouldn’t trade them for anything. I’m not trying to convince you one way or the other. Just sharing that things have away of working out, even if they are really hard to deal with when they first occur. You have been through this rodeo. Your experience is enough to guide any advice you give. You are her mom...and that is powerful enough. I would say good luck, but you don’t need it. Just be her mom. She will make whatever decision she chooses to. That won’t change your love and connection to her.

/r/Parenting Thread