My [17/F] friend [17/F] has always had a toxic relationship with men, and has been completely changed by her hypersexual relationship with her new "boyfriend" [17/M]

Three thoughts. First -- it sounds like your friend is really excited to be in a new relationship and also like both of these kids are having a whole lot of fun "using" each other for sex. They're 17. This is totally normal. As long as they're being safe and using protection and being kind to each other you really have no reason to involve yourself in this relationship.

Second -- You mentioned several times that it has only been two weeks, yet you also put in a paragraph rant about how your friend has become more distant and less available to you. It's been two weeks. And they're having a whole lot of fun "using" each other for sex. You are all 17. This is totally normal. Your friend just lost her v card and is having a blast with her new boyfriend. If you were 30, i'd say she's being a bit of a bad friend but you're 17 and she's excited.

Third -- You mention that she no longer has time to talk to you about potential boys for you to date and that you feel like she's "rubbing your nose in her relationship". This is totally normal. And she's not. She's just excited. Don't be so jealous -- jealousy will drive you mad.

Finally.. heartbreak is inevitable at this age. Unless you think he's physically hurting her or mentally abusing her -- you have absolutely NO reason to involve yourself in this relationship. Are they going to get married? Probably not. Would this relationship ending ruin her life? Probably not. Let your friend have fun and stop being so involved in her life. Focus on your own life and you will be 1000x happier. I promise.

/r/relationships Thread