My [19M] girlfriend's [19F] past is bothering me. Is this the right approach?

Sorry I'm unsure how to format.

  1. I haven't accused her, but that's honestly what it seems like to me.

  2. Based on some tweets I saw there was some reciprocating, but probably not to the same extent at all. She doesn't suffer from any as far as I know. It's just weird how they talked like that if they were just "friends". She's known him since grade 8 so it has been awhile but honestly she should have cut him off after his behaviour and disregard of her feelings. Something I forgot to include was she mentioned to liking him for a bit in grade 10, before any of that happened (handjob) but she said that they didn't admit feelings for eachother and that she couldn't see herself being with him after that because of his personality.

  3. In her mind she probably thinks having him on social media doesn't effect me because I haven't said it but in reality it does. I joked with her once that she should delete him off Snapchat and she kind of brushed it off.

  4. I won't exactly bring it up at the best of times and she'll think "Oh my god, he's doing it again.." She just basically wants to be over with it, and has asked me, "Will you ever get over it?" to which I responded yes. So she gets upset when I bring it up.

  5. Again, I don't think she realizes it bothers me.

  6. I understand I should probably talk about it, I just can't see it ending up well. I'll have to think about this before hand because I really do love her and I know she has good intentions (wouldn't cheat).

  7. I'm sure she would.

This has really helped me look at it from a different perspective. I just think the main thing is that she doesn't know that having Dan on her accounts hurts me and I should explain it in a calm manner.

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