My 1st TOAH completion! Onto the next milestone!

As a F2P player, I am really happy that I managed to finish TOAH as it was extremely time consuming and RNG based. Also, I was fortunate enough to pull both Ganymede and Hathor as they were literally the main MVPs in controlling all of the enemy mons so that I could kill all of them slowly but surely.

My main team is Baretta (L), Ganymede, Hathor, Spectra and Belladeon. I could auto to approximately Floor 40 and manual-ed from then onwards. The floors that required the largest time sinks were 88 and 99 for this rotation. Whenever I had issues, I would toss in Veromos/Emma/Chasun here and there and it tend to work out.

My reward for this run is a Wind Succubus!

/r/summonerswar Thread Link -