my (20f) boyfriend (23m) broke up with me because of my breasts

He had no reason? What about the possibility that he actually find her breast unattractive?

So you're saying that people should be honest, but only when the truth is funny, but then if it's something harsh they not only should, but they are required to lie otherwise they became a bad person? You see what is the problem?

No person take that kindly but that shouldn't be a way to live. Not a single breakup is kind, everybody suffers but that doesn't mean people should never breakup.

Please keep downvoting me, I really don't care. I consider myself as a stoic man, and a man of principles. And one of my main principles is that between grow up people, I'm gonna be honest. Always. You're not gonna change my mind about that, as you're not gonna change my mind about the fact that he did good telling the truth and not lying. You are free to think otherwise as am I.


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