My (20F) girlfriend sold revealing/nude content and I'm (22M) not sure how to feel about it

We mix in a little bit of kink/fetish when we have sex such as blind-folding, hand tieing, and hair-pulling. Basically some of the less extreme fetishes in my opinion. We have discussed it before twice. Once in a somewhat casual manner and another time in a more serious discussion. After that we would joke about it but she tells me that because I joked about it , it made her think that I was completely comfortable with everything she intended to do without talking to me about it. The week prior to taking the pictures and selling she mentioned it and the day before all she said to me was that she was going out to take pictures. An extremely common communication problem we always run into is that in my mind the plan is we do x and y but in her mind the plan is somewhat different that what I had in mind and I know that common problems like this could be avoided just by simply double checking with the other person but at times I assume that we're on the same page and forget to doublecheck.

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