My (20F) husband (22M) refuses to set boundaries with my FIL (58M)

JAK! It definitely was scary but everything happens for the best. Alhamdulilah just glad that we were okay.

My husband definitely tries his best to control the situation, but the nature of their relationship doesn’t give him much to stand on. Whenever my FIL makes those comments and my husband tries to defend me, my FIL usually responds with “I’ve lived for 50+ years. I’m just trying to give naseehah, I know what’s best for you”. My FIL also had a really rough situation with my MIL and stayed for the kids. He’ll usually remind my husband of the fact that he sacrificed so much to raise them to guilt my husband as well. Ultimately, it doesn’t change my FIL’s mind and strains their relationship. (I’ve kind of accepted this, I keep my distance and try to mitigate this by not revealing too much information)

I didn’t include too many details about my FIL’s comments in my original post since it was already quite long, but he’s made passive aggressive comments to me (“how can I trust you when you lied about locking the car”) and I’ve overheard a few conversations (not on purpose, but my FIL can get loud sometimes).

Just wanted to give more context here, but I really appreciate this advice wholly! I’ll definitely be passing this along to my husband.

/r/MuslimMarriage Thread