My (20m) current gf (20f) only has guy friends

> You can’t stop your girl from receiving attention. You can only do a few things without being a total asshole, have a reasonable conversation about it. Explain that you feel really insecure around the male friends thing, and ask that she limits her time around a particular male friend.

I know man, We had a conversation about this already and I just try to tell her that I am bothered by all these thirsty guys trying to get her attention. I also told that I can't do anything about it and that I don't know what she can do about it. I will let her hang out with the other guys but I also try to motivate her into improving relationships with her female friends / making new friendly relationships with girls.

> If she doesn’t want to, you can’t do anything about that. Trying to control her actions doesn’t make you anything but abusive, but you can have a conversation and try to work out why you are threatened by it. These issues aren’t hers, they’re yours. If you aren’t emotionally mature enough for your partner to hang out with people of a different gender, the problem is you and not them.

I am well aware that this is my problem and not hers. I am also well aware that this isn't something I can't control. I don't get insecure about things I can control. I am emotionally mature enough for my partner to hang out with people of a different gender, but all of them are from a different gender and 95% of them just wanna fuck/relationship with my gf. Meanwhile she believes she can just befriend every guy she met on tinder. I know for a fact that most of these guys don't want friendships but she won't believe me unfortunately.

> I know that’s a bitter pill to swallow, but if you can’t get over it the relationship is doomed anyway.

I know, I just wan't her to understand that most of these guys don't really want friendship.

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