My (20m) gf (22f) just told me that she has faked every orgasm in our relationship

Wow. She shouldn’t have told you like that. That can destroy a young man’s confidence for a long time. Could it be that she is telling you this to try and get you to break up with her?

It also could be her. Her own depression/ mind could be causing her to not to be able to climax as well. It’s not always the man’s fault.

Maybe ask her what she likes and what helps her climax and focus on that.

I started young at 15 and didn’t really know how to make someone climax until I was 17. I was all about me in the beginning and ever since; I am secondary to whoever I am with. She comes first (being serious, no pun intended)

So a lot of different things could be at here.

Good luck. Hope you get everything worked out.

/r/relationships Thread