My (21F) boyfriend (21M) played an April Fool's Day prank on me by pretending to break up.

Pranks and jokes are meant to be harmless and make people laugh. This kind of prank was not harmless and not a laughing matter.

You say he knew that you would believe him. So he knew that you'd take it seriously and probably be hurt, even for a few seconds.

At best, it was reckless and immature. At worst, it was an intentional way to mess with your emotions and hurt you. I've had a friend who did this to her boyfriend, and I think it was her way of "testing" how he'd react, to see how upset he became/how much he cared for her. It's pretty messed up. Pretending to break up with someone is never okay, April Fools Day or not.

I would say to talk to him. Explain exactly how it made you feel. See how he reacts, and listen to what his intentions were.

/r/relationship_advice Thread