My (21F) boyfriend (22M) still has not given me the card he wrote for Valentine's day. 2 years

This is just me, so keep i mind that your bf might be completely opposite.

I view love and relationships as a choice. And with that in mind things that are willful choices mean much more to me.

For me, when something is expected it seems much less special. I don't want people to get me a present because it's my birthday, i want them to get me a present because they saw something and thought i'd like it. Otherwise it feels like they're fulfilling an obligation, which is about the least meaningful thing ever as far as i'm concerned. Because of this i often forget to buy people gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, etc simply. Not because i don't love them or want to have something nice to give them, but it's just hard to mentally prioritize something you dont personally place importance in. If my girlfriend never gave me another birthday, christmas, anniversary, etc it honestly wouldn't bother me. In fact, I'd be surprised if I even noticed

But when my girlfriend gives me little presents "just because" it means the world to me. I sweat a lot when I'm warm, and she noticed early on and gave me several of her grandfathers old handkerchiefs and it meant so so much because it as done out of love, not because it was expected.

The things that make me most feel loved are

  • spending time with the other person. When someone makes time for me and makes me a priority it makes me feel wonderful.
  • affirmations. When shes appreciative, when shes gives genuine compliments. when she tells me she loves me. These things happen daily, but i still get warm butterflies every.single.time.
  • physical tough/intimacy. It doesn't matter how crappy my day was, just thinking about the way she squeezes my hand and holds it next to her heart as she falls asleep makes everything seem right with the world.

It's important for both of you to figure out ways you accept love, and the natural ways you give love. Ideally, people should try to give their SO love in the ways the SO best receives it (ie giving you cards/weekly updates, etc) but it's good to know they may be showing lots of love in ways you normally miss.

Wow, this got a lot longer than i expected. Instead of going back and proofreading i'm just going to hit send. Sorry for all the ramblings

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