My (21f) boyfriend (25m) is emotionally abusive but I’m scared to leave

Hey. I know what this feels like. I was in a similar relationship when I was very young and it lasted for three years and it was tough to leave for so many reasons. Mainly because I was scared of his reaction and frightened of even telling him to get out (he lived in my flat for the entirety of the relationship). I also get that it’s difficult to leave because of the good parts of the relationship. The part of them that is kind and loving and non-abusive but

You need to leave. Right now. Your partner should not control you or stop you from spending time with your family and friends. He doesn’t have a right to constantly monitor you or manipulate you. This is not what a healthy relationship looks like and I can promise that he will not change and I can also promise that you’re not crazy or imagining things or making things “worse” than they “really are.” If it feels wrong, it is wrong. If it’s making your life difficult then it is wrong. It will be difficult but seriously girl, get out now.

/r/relationship_advice Thread