My (21f) dad just admitted to me that he (50m) isn’t happy in his marriage to my mom

He has never said anything like this before. I understand from your comments that you don’t agree in the information he told me but can you relax pls? You are making this something that it’s not.

My dad is the most matured person I know and yeah he had a moment of vulnerability when speaking about how he felt with me. I have a 10 year old and 13 year old sister that he doesn’t want to be a part time dad to. That’s completely understandable. Hold off on the insults because you don’t know anything about what he’s gone through or his situation.

I made this post because I love my dad and I didn’t KNOW that that he wasn’t happy regardless of what it is. Im sad because my dad isn’t happy and it’s something I understand him on in terms of the factors why.

It’s a info burden on me but I’d never make him apologise for being able to get it off his chest especially when he’s gone to the lengths of trying therapy too and it didn’t work.

/r/relationship_advice Thread Parent