My (21F) professor is either really bad at names or is actively making fun of mine.

21m here. Your professor is really unprofessional but honestly, just let it go. Do listen to what everyone is saying about confronting him, but don't let these sort of things make you feel humiliated.

Plus, why should someone else being a dick make you feel like a dick? Own the situation. Call them out on it.

My name is Qais and I have no expectation of people being able to spell or pronounce my name properly (on first attempt).

I enjoy all the typos (except Quais, which I love to hate, because I was never brought up with "Q is always followed by u"), and encourage people to make jokes or references that I haven't heard of.

I usually introduced myself as "I'm Qais like suitcase" (pronounced case), which is exactly how it's pronounced. Sometimes people call me kwais, and honestly, i don't really care because they've got their point across

I've had people call me quiz, I've had my school teacher call me Key. Key!! Not even the same English word.

Own the situation. Make it a joke.

/r/relationships Thread