My [21M] mom [41F] is going to marry her boyfriend [40M], who has 7 children. This is going to be horrible for my sister [11F]. How can I help?

Your mom comes across as very selfish. Marrying someone with that many children, from that many women..... not smart at all. If you buy your sister anything, from what I have seen, with this many kids it will become public property. You can't live with this many people in that small of space and have anything to yourself. I say this from having to rescue my friend who was in a three bedroom trailer house with her mom, step dad, their son and daughter, her twin sister and her baby and the other half sister. There were eight people in that trailer. It was horrible. It was never cleaned up. They never had enough food for everyone. They always had heaping piles of laundry. The amount of trash a family this size makes is unreal. They never had enough. My suggestion would be take your sister out of their as much as possible. Let her spend the night with you sometimes, let her take a long shower, sit around and enjoy peaceful silence. Help Her get her homework done in quiet by taking her to a library or some where nice and quiet and calm. I say his because no matter how tight of a ship they run it will always be chaos. Take her to a movie. If you buy her something keep it with you. So she has stuff to look forward to.

/r/relationships Thread