My [22F] boyfriend [27M] broke up with me because I wouldn't let him go through my phone

I agree with @9gagiscancer that I should wait until his anger boils down and he's relaxed. Normally when he acts this way it takes him a couple da ys to relax. My urgency is that he has blocked me on everything so I can't contact him to say. Hey I'm still here when you're ready to talk. I want advice on how to approach the situation and what to say. Maybe not to get together because I did hurt him and he's not over it but to explain that I wasn't hiding anything by not giving him my phone. Regardless of what we end up as he was my best friend and I have no hard feelings towards him and i want him to know that. Everything was left so crazy. I keep rambling but basically I just don't know what to do as in contacting and what to say

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