My [22F] Manager [40'sF] is Pressuring Me to let her Daughter [14F] Babysit my Son [3M]

I personally don't think teenagers are good babysitters. I don't think their ethics and morality are fully formed yet, and they aren't responsible. You don't know this girl.

I had a teenage babysitter. She would put my sisters and me against one another to make us argue, put us in dangerous situations like walking around the city on the freeway so she could hang out with her friends, and tell us scary stories to have us frightened. She told us bad things would happen to us if we told anyone. My sisters and I didn't say anything. Eventually my mom decided to move out of state. When we were on the plane flying to a new state my sisters and I waited until the plane door closed to unload all these horror stories onto my mom.

Also, my friend's teenage babysitter raped her and her brother repeatedly. That babysitter is now a child psychologist. My friend developed MPD and spent years in therapy to recover. Her brother has deep emotional problems.

My husband and I had a policy not to leave our children with anyone until they could talk and explain everything that happened while we are gone. We've staggered our careers to do this and to make sure our kids are safe.

Personally we don't even let our kids go over to other people's homes until we know everyone in the house, including the teenagers to make sure there isnt' something weird going on with the older kids. Also, this was suggested to me by a friend of mine that trains foster parents how to be parents. He said to watch out for the older kids bc you dont' know what they've been through and what they're capable of.

If your boss brings it up again, tell her thank you and you'll think about it and let her know if you ever need it. If this woman can't take no for answer, then just put her off. Tell her that you have her number so you know how to get in touch if she needs it.

/r/relationships Thread