My SO (22M) accidentally read my (F21) texts and is upset I didn't tell him about a text I got from a friend (20M) I've hooked up with in the past asking to get coffee.

We've had this conversation as well. My boyfriend told me he wouldn't go out of his way to make plans with any girls he's been with, and if he ran into them out in public somewhere he would say "hey what's up" but wouldn't tell me about it because it wouldn't be anything more than that, so what would be the point in telling me anyway?

In this situation, I didn't reach out to this guy. I said "yeah that should work" with the full intention of not actually meeting up. My girl friend even said to me that she didn't see the problem with meeting him if she came with me but I told her "no it's still not cool cause I wouldn't want my boyfriend to do that" and she said "yeah you're probably right actually."

I find this situation so fucking shitty because of when he saw my texts. Because I knew my intentions and I knew I was gonna curve him as politely as possible, but he saw my texts before that could happen. Now, even if I still say no or do what I originally planned to do, it looks like I'm just doing it because my boyfriend saw my texts when he did.

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