My [22M] GF [21F] got involved w/ Amway (Pyramid scheme) and I refuse to go to a meeting with her.

I would be wary of the influence the company has on your GF as it may cloud her judgment. She could be pressured by her higher ups to recruit or just get more support from the people closest to her.

I always felt bad for asking people to come. One girl I invited from class was really upset and felt betrayed when she came to the meeting which was to recruit really. That's when I questioned myself and thought I'm becoming a bad person bc of this.

One thought: In your delivery to not supporting her, in her mind, it may have came out very harsh to think that the person she looks to the most doesn't support her. (It's not wrong to not support her but she may feel hurt because you don't believe in her abilities.)

During my time with an MLM company, my relationships felt fake bc they might think I'm trying to sell them something.


TL;DR: inspired. MLM. Failed. Problems. Took too long to quit bc I was stubborn and eventually realized company culture was built to keep me in longer.

It wasn't Amway but it was with another company that's also MLM. I started out and was super motivated, thinking I could succeed. It wasn't really the money I cared about. It was the personal growth and job experience (Similar to your GF kind of). I didn't have a BF back then but he knew about it.

After we started dating again, I brought up the whole MLM experience which I describe below and he pretty much said he knew about the pyramid scheme and that it wasn't a good idea. I wasn't hurt when he said this bc by that time I had learned my lesson the hard way and was +$1000 in debt. (I guess you can say trust the strangers on the Internet.)

At the time, since I was really excited about what I just got myself into, to hear him say he doesn't support me, would have crushed my spirits bc I'd think that he thinks that I won't succeed. But if he worded it in a way that showed that he cared about me and explained his reasonings logically on why I shouldn't get involved, then maybe I would have listened.

Only my parents warned me about MLM companies which I should have listened but I was willing to take the risk. My sister was wary and suspicious of the company when I came home to tell her that I had paid $118 for the starter kit bc the pitch the woman gave me was convincing like hey this is such a good thing, why would you deny it? But little did I know I'd be putting in an order for $400 worth of products just to give it a shot. Then the next month $1000.

My sister looked into it and saw all kinds of negative things on this website. But since I was new, I didn't know much and couldn't tell which source to trust: ppl on the Internet or actual people I've met who have said all great things about the company.

I invited my sister to the meeting and she really connected to the speaker's life story. The speaker seemed more credible than the one that had signed me up, so my sister being rational thought this was the dream that she had been looking for. She signed up that night and in 3 months, she even quit college because of it.

(Side note: At the time she thought it was a good decision but she now regrets it and is back in college)

She got really into it, was successful in the business more than I was, but never really came out with more money than she put in. She worked herself tirelessly. I was worried about her health. It took a toll on her mentally, physically, and emotionally. She "drank the koolaid" and lost herself. She denied that she needed to get mental help and treated me poorly.

It got out of hand and eventually, she was taken to a mental hospital and was diagnosed with Bipolar I disorder.

In the end, after she had recovered, she returned her products back to the company (company has a deal where you can return your UNOPENED products and get 90% back). Glad she did.

As for me, it was too late. I learned that I was very naive back then and clouded in my judgment. I am now aware of the company's culture that's kept in the dark. The one where negativity is silenced and quitting meant you were a failure. (At least that's how I felt and why I stayed as long as I did even when I was failing and falling into deeper debt).

/r/relationships Thread