My (22m) girlfriend (21f) and her trans brother (18m) are pretty political and bring it up quite often

Sounds like you just don't vibe with their SJW mindsets. That's totally fine, no one is wrong in their opinions here. They're just mindlessly overbearing with theirs.

You have three options.

1: Tell them you aren't interested in discussing whatever topic they bring up

2: Ignore it

3: Disassociate with them completely.

My sister and I are polar opposites with politics. We're not American but if we were she'd be Democratic and I'd be Republican. We've just agreed to not talk about politics with each other and if we do, we say "I'm tapping out" if we've had enough of each other.

Obviously, it's always good to talk to people with a different perspective than ours, so it's nice you try and see their viewpoint.

You don't need to change to conform to what they think is "just". Live by your own moral compass, if you're curious about a statement they make - do your own research, make up your own mind.

There are certain issues (like abortion, which is a debate on the morality of life) that may never have common ground, so those are when you need to learn to walk away. For example, my sister is against the French mandates on language here and I am for it, fundamentally we disagree, so no amount of talking about cause us to find common ground - you've got to determine when it's okay to just disagree.

/r/relationship_advice Thread