My [23F] boyfriend [23M] left me drunk and alone in the city last night.

It's not a regular occurrence, to either drink to that excess or to drive. Usually one of us is DD. I went to his car to find him, because I was concerned of how drunk he was. I never found it.

He's gotten excessively drunk before, but it's barely ever, and not dramatic like this, I guess because usually I'm the sober one who can take care of things then.

I mentioned I needed to leave multiple times in the night, and he said "I know". I mean I could still do work fine while staying out late, which was why it didn't bother me so much to stay out late. But I said every step of the way pretty much that I needed to go, no more drinks, etc. I thought about leaving him but he was getting more drunk and it concerned me. I couldn't leave him like that. And we live together, so we usually go home together.

I charged my phone in the middle of the day but by 1 it was low again. I usually do carry my charger but I didn't happen to have it last night. I should probably get a battery.

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