My (23F) boyfriend (23M) constantly makes fun of my hobby that pays for our dates.

Hey there. My comment may get lost in a sea of others, but I was your BF once... and I would’ve dumped myself so hard.

Me and my friends were photographers during the boom of photography during the early parts of IG. I used to make fun of my friend who participated in the “corny” culture of IG.. and I pissed him off. I was trying to be snarky, and I still think parts of IG are toxic, but your BF is on a different level with this.

Thing is, this opened up so many opportunities for my friend.. and eventually myself, that you really need a supportive community around you. It took me a while to see this and change.

Have you actually expressed how you felt? I feel like you can make this all stop with one conversation. You can even just say jokingly, “Hey, stop making fun of my cool online fans”!! Or just over exaggerate to a point where he gives up.

I think he doesn’t know he’s crossing a line & needs to mature it up a little. He definitely has a hint of jealousy that you’ve got something cool going for yourself even if he hates all that “influencer stuff”.

You can make it clear that he needs to stop.

/r/relationships Thread