My(23F) husband (22M) didnt even say happy new year and told me to go bring in positivity for the new year by myseld

I can explain his side, ive heard it fully many times. He believes i am insecure because its a personal problem that i have to deal with on my own. He believes the past shoukd stay in the past and never and i mean never be discussed because it will only bring uo negative things that happen in our past that he believes i should get over because hes loyal and not doing anything now. He believes that i always look for something because i love to bring up drama and that im so insecure that i view myself as less pretty than everyone else. He views to let things go if they’re not hurting the relationship anymore in his eyes and that theres no need to discuss things because it just makes it seem like i am holding on to what he did and i love drama.

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