My [24f] best friend [25f] kind of fell off the planet after she got married.. and now acts like nothing is wrong.

This is the sort of situation that has happened to me multiple times. The second time it sounds like a dead ringer to your situation, which is that she just stopped caring and only started to really care about me again when I had given up on being as close with her and had moved on. I am very similar to you - I waited and waited and then when I accepted it she wanted to be friends again.

Honestly she sounds very strange, only caring about you when it benefited her and then while you're on your honeymoon? That just strikes me as weird and also bothersome? She also made you wait for her for your own bachelorette party? That's selfish.

I just see this as a frankly unfair friendship, and even though you've called her the 'mom' in your friend group, she just showed that maybe she isn't. I see what she did as using you and then letting you swing in the breeze when you expected the same help level from her. You are allowed to feel, as you said, "not in the mood to have her around". She wasn't around much for you.

If you want to continue a friendship with her, I would talk to her about it immediately and not let it fester any more than it has. I would also write exactly what bothered you down, so you can state it and see if she has a response for her behavior (ESPECIALLY THAT WAITING THING). State that her behavior really bothered her, ask if she gets that, and see if she understands that.

u/FunAtTheSalvageYard is totally right - You'll never be as close as you were before, but if you still want to be friends with her since she lives across the hall, it can totally happen. In both of the similar situations I'm in, I no longer have friendships with these women, but we both managed to keep the same friend group. Your husbands can stay friends, which is what I would assume would hold me back from disconnecting - as a good friend of mine said, "your friends are your friends, not your partners friends."

/r/relationships Thread