My [24F] boyfriend [28M] of 3 months starts fights when I want to spend time with friends

This sounds like me when my girlfriend starts acting like a total bitch and does whatever she wants.

There's the nice way to convince him to be okay with a sleepover with your friend... and then there's the girl-power asshole way of saying

"You're just my BF! You can't CONTROL ME!"

That's what a bitch says and it triggers me too. If I can't control you, even a little bit; why the fuck are we together? Why are we in my house? Like seriously if you don't even consider my feelings when you make decisions, fuck you.

My girl cut her own hair super short yesterday, while drunk. She has no experience in styling. She also bleached it. She looks like that little girl in SIA videos now, and I can't even pop a boner.

So sure I guess I have no say in your hair decision, but if it affects me to the point of losing 99% of my attraction for you, don't you think it's cool to consult me?! At least give me the illusion of choice.

So I'm not sure how you presented it, but from your post you sound like a fucking liar. You minimize your anger and outbursts:

"I must admit I raised my voice a little" Vs "HE BLEW UP AND STARTED YELLING!"

and the fact that you called him controlling sounds VERY awfully familiar. It's what my girl says when she is wrong, and refuses to back her shit up with facts. She'll be like "it's my car I can totally drink drive to the liquor store at 1 am and get a third bottle of wine! STOP CONTROLLING ME!"

/r/relationships Thread