My [24F] roommate [24M] keeps threatening to kick my boyfriend [20M] out of our apartment. We only have 6 weeks to go and he's at the point of blackmailing me.

Hey I know you're looking for support, but you really need to concede here. It is your boyfriend's fault for not having anywhere else to go, and you both created this situation by having him live there off-lease.

In terms of how much each person is paying, while you might think it's "not fair" for your boyfriend to pay a third of the rent, you need to realize that the apartment is not just a bedroom. Having an extra person there can be a serious imposition, and it seems like Sam tried to be patient.

Also to your reasoning that Brian only uses the apartment "as a place to sleep": Most people with stressful careers or long schedules only sleep and eat at their apartments most days. If I told my landlord, "hey, I'm only going to be in the house a few hours a night since I have work all the time, I can't pay rent," he'd throw me out, and rightfully so.

Really, you and your boyfriend created a mess by having him live there off the lease in the first place, and I highly recommend you find a cheap motel, a friend's place, or literally anywhere else to put him for a short period of time.

/r/relationships Thread