My (24m) 1 year anniversary is ruined.

Listen, I’m about to help you out so much. Text her this “ Hey, hope you enjoy the party. Have a great time ___ (insert name) . Then cut all contact with her. Don’t let her think that she can act like this and still have you around. You need to man up and protect your own emotions. Go out with your friends and find another girl or add some girls to your group outing and post them on social media. It’s a bit petty but she’ll get the message. Don’t even break up with her, just stop speaking to her . Don’t offer closure, don’t waste your time on her because your anniversary clearly wasn’t worth her time. Don’t be needy and don’t be clingy. If she texts you, respond briefly and short and respond whenever you feel like it just not too fast because you shouldn’t make yourself available for this type of treatment. You’re going to have to be very cold , no tears in front of her. This is not advice to get her back it’s simply advice that you need. You need a backbone. Don’t stand around for nonsense like this. Find another girl and move on because trust me there is always going to be an amazing person that would never do this. But you need to ice her the hell out. Whether you dump her or not is solely up to you. But make it known that her behavior is not okay and you’re not on good terms with her. Silence is often louder than words. Do things with people you enjoy and have fun . Don’t worry about her and don’t even think about her…

/r/relationship_advice Thread