My [25F] boyfriend [29M] of 1.5 years wants to debate EVERYTHING and always seems down to argue. It's making me not like him. Help?

I had this problem with my gf (now fiancée). No matter what the topic was, whether we were talking movies, games, sports, anything I would always try to "spice things up" with some spirited debate. I'm in my element debating who's a better actor, or which NHL goalie was the best. Point-counterpoint types of conversations. Sometimes I would notice her getting upset when I would disagree with her, I would just assume "oh she's just mad because she knows I'm right." Or something similarly arrogant. It turned out she was just sick of me always having a counterpoint to anything she said. It was hard for me at first to accept that she was right, my side was "I'm just having a conversation with you! I'm not arguing." I was pretty defensive. Then she caught me dead to rights doing it about the most mundane things two or three times after we had that fight. She didn't jump out of her seat and scream in my face "YOURE DOING IT AGAIN!" She very gently told me "Klompus, you're trying to prove me wrong again."

She was 100% right. It wasn't actually as hard for me as I expected it to be (working on myself). Once she proved me wrong there was no excuse and nowhere to hide. If we are equally passionate about something we will definitely get into some fun debates, but we don't have to debate which pizza place in town is best anymore.

I hope this doesn't come off as justifying your bfs behaviour, I more want to convey that people sometimes have no grasp on how arrogant and annoying they are. My fiancée could have decided to cut her losses and move on from her loser debate club reject bf, but instead she helped me realize what I need to work on and made me a better person, and our relationship better in the process.

I am marrying this girl in June and I can't fucking wait.

/r/relationships Thread