I think my (25f) marriage (28m) is falling apart due to lack of sexy time.

I can understand his point of view on that too if that's something you used to love.

He's just so desperate for your affection that he's trying to pull out all the stops that used to get you going in order to feel loved and wanted. You guys are r/deadbedroom material and he just doesn't know how to deal with it.

It's not ok for him to do that against your wishes, obviously, but I assume it's just coming from a place in which he wants you to want him. Just try and explain how you feel even more. That part should stop on his end if he can better understand where you are coming from. You should also try empathizing with him and trying to see things through his eyes. Others have suggested counseling and what not and I think they are on point.

I am also going to suggest posting this on r/deadbedrooms and see what advice that you get from there.

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