My (25F) partner (36MtF) recently came out as trans, and I feel like this is the beginning of the end

I have family that went through a similar situation in the early 90s. One partner came out MtF, but while married to F.

They're inseparable. Living together then and now and probably forever, through several moves across states. Visits in the hospital. Traveling the world. Living the ups and downs of life, always together and full of love, but not romantically.

Nobody can tell you what's right or wrong. I don't know if I could do what either person in my family did, and I can't tell you if they would've made the same decisions if they were young in 2017 instead of the early 90's. But if you asked them, they wouldn't change a thing.

This is going to be challenging, no matter what you and your partner choose to do. But think about it, give it lots of time, and don't worry about what anyone thinks as long as you're both happy.

/r/relationships Thread