My [25M] boyfriend [38M] of six years goes to a nude beach with his ex-boyfriend. Am I right to be uncomfortable with this?

Have you met Robbie? If your boyfriend is still such good friends with Robbie that they frequently hang out nude together and there's absolutely no attraction between them, then I'm going to assume that you have meet Robbie quite a few times over the six years that you've been with your boyfriend. Can you give us more information on what Robbie is like, what the dynamic is between him and your boyfriend, how often they hang out otherwise?

I've never met him. I've known about him but I've never actually seen him in real life. Greg claims that Robbie once invited the both of us over but nothing ever came of that invitation. They rarely hang out otherwise but I guess they both like going to the beach and getting naked and this is the perfect time for it.

I actually just got off the phone with him for like an hour and a half and a lot of things were brought up but when it came to the topic of him and Robbie he was just completely staunch about it. There is no convincing him that what he's doing is actually inappropriate ("there is literally nothing sexual about our encounters, I just enjoy having company there when I go to the beach and he was available"), so much so that I actually started to doubt myself again. I actually had to stop myself from doing that. I don't want to issue an ultimatum, partly because I don't want to be that person and also because I know he doesn't want to (and won't) stick to it. I basically just said that this was the last straw (because there have been others) and that it's probably just over between us.

I can't be the one responsible for explaining to him how relationships and trust work and that infidelity (even though I'll admit this barely qualifies), can extend beyond the act of penetrating someone. Especially if he's not even willing to learn anything from me in that department. He thinks as long as he's not kissing or penetrating any other guys he's doing the absolute best he can.

He also said several times that because he doesn't get it, maybe he's just not fit for a relationship. Maybe we're just too different. If he promises he's not having sex with other people, he should just be able to do the things he wants freely and a relationship has certain restrictions that he can't deal with. He has said that before but over time we were able to have one nonetheless. He just always brings that particular point up when he experiences some kind of pushback from my side and I'm kind of sick of him hiding behind that.

I'm sorry for this wall of text but I just started typing and the rest came after. I don't really know how to break up with someone since this was my first ever relationship and I'm going to try to deal with it the best I can. I'm pretty sure I'm making the right decision. Now it's actually time to begin another day of fasting. Sigh.

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