My (26M) girlfriend (25F) communicates with lots of guys on Snapchat daily. Should I bring it up to address healthy boundaries? I feel disrespected.

I'm not OP and I'm not having OP's issue so apologies for hijacking, but as an occasional overthinker your comment really helped me so i wanna say thanks for that. I (27M) think I've found a great girl (29F) - our connection is like none I've ever had before. She's directly told me after 2 months together that she sees us a potential long-term thing (in fact she drunkly even said "you're the man I'll grow old with", and I agree). But we've both had pretty wild sexual histories and both pretty independent-minded people, in many ways that's why we suit each other, but in others it makes me overthink when she goes out for drinks or has lots of male friends.

I'm meeting her parents next week, in fact I'm going to stay with them for a few days as she's going home for a couple weeks' Annual Leave. She tells them all about us, shows my socials off to her friends etc.

I generally feel secure but your comment really reminded me that she is investing in me, something I sometimes forget. It's a breath of fresh air in today's society where tiktok/reddit/socials generally trend towards "if she has male friends or goes out partying she must be a dirty, uncontrollable cheat". Which I'd like to think isn't the case, as a guy that likes partying but would never cheat on her.

So yeah, long irrelevant reply, but thank you.

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