My [27F] bf [29F] wants me to move to the country he got a new job in. I want to be engaged before we take that step. He disagrees. What to do?

Here's a personal story. My ex husband got in to medical school 2000 miles from all my family and friends. He wanted me and my child to uproot and go. We had dated for 4 years. I insisted in ordered to do so he had to propose. He did and we were rush married 2 months later. We had also already had the "baby" talk. He said he wanted a family. I got off birth control. He went to that doctors appointment. Two months after moving I got pregnant. He told me medical school was too hard with a baby and told me to abort. He then left me when I decided not to. What followed was years of getting back on my feet. I quit my job to join him and hadn't found another one. I starved myself so I wouldn't show to get a job. I got one at 6 months pregnant. Here's the moral. Marriage and proposals can end just as easily as marriage. There is no safety net. Do what you feel is best for you and your life.

/r/relationships Thread