My (27F) father wants me to meet my half sister (10F)

Bold of you to assume other commenters haven’t similar experiences. I’m in a remarkably similar situation to the OP mother died of cancer I was the same age only my father died 6 months ago which is when I got the bombshell that for all his and my mothers relationship he had a whole other family we didn’t know about - anyways all his kids are older than myself and have a solid family structure- I’m the youngest of my immediate family and now my fathers family but if one reached out and wanted to know me I’d feel acknowledged personally. Which is better than what I found out my father did which was hide me and my mams existence. Im 22M and though im the youngest I can assure you if I found out I had a half sibling who had very little in the way of role models and especially knew they wanted to meet me I would jump at the chance to ensure generational trauma and dynamics do not continue to affect innocent people. That’s what my mother would’ve wanted.

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