My(27F) fiancé(32M) threatens to break up with me anytime I don’t want to have sex with him

I think this is what hurts me the most. I know I’m not crazy, I know couples go through different stages in their sex life especially since we have been together since we were so young and inexperienced.

I try and explain to him I’m not going to be the same horny teenager I was when I was 18 at 27 and he always says “well if I knew you wouldn’t be, I wouldn’t have continued the relationship.”

It’s embarrassing to admit he’s different when I’m having sex with him frequently, he treats me better. But, I want to also enjoy sex and feel special and it’s hard for me when I remember all the things he has said when I wasn’t “putting out.” And the times we go without sex is not even long, the most it has ever been was after my miscarriage I waited a month but a week after the miscarriage I was back to giving him BJ. And on a normal basis we go at most 3/4 days without penetrative sex.

I just feel like I’m doing everything wrong and I’m going crazy

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