My [27F] husband [27M] has betrayed me and lied to me about some very serious things--an STD and drugs. I don't know what to do or if I can ever forgive him. What do I do?

I’m so terrified him lying about our kids or our finances or his health again too. I mean he already put the woman he loves most at risk, so nothing is off limits at this point. And I 100% agree with you that he learned this lying early on. I just found out last night that two of his sisters have more or less been enabling all of this behavior as well. One sister knew he was lying to me about HPV and basically told him it was okay not to tell me. She also knew about the drug use and encouraged it. In my blind rage last night I texted her asking, “how could you not tell me?” She responded, “What you need to be asking is why he didn’t feel comfortable telling you.” Even though he literally was lying to me since the day we met. So it’s my fault he chose not to tell me about his STD in her mind. And his other sister also knew about and was fine with the drug use.

These are his influences in life. It’s so fucked up. Not to mention that both of these sisters, as well as his other 4 sisters (yes, you read that right), ALL have substance abuse problems. This whole situation is so incredibly toxic.

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