My [28 F] boyfriend [26 M] of 4 years is going on our dream vacation without me.

I think you are in a tough position, but Im going to swing the point of view a bit because I believe there is a lesson here thats important for you to learn.

When you spend all your vacation days taking care of your mother, was that something the two of you discussed or did you just go ahead and do that because you had a good reason? I ask because you are ready to marry him you say, but I dont see communication that matches that kind of relationship level. I can promise you this. If my mom got sick and I took all my vacation days to take care of her, without having a discussion about that with my hubby, he would think I had lost my mind. Thats just not ok. There needs to be consensus and mutual understanding. Not: My reason is JUST _ this is the right thing to do and everyone will understand > because if thats the case, reasonable courtecy and consideration dictates you tell the person you are with before it has a chance to dissapoint them or affect their plans/expectations.

See the thing is, regardless of your reasons, if you make a choice, that impacts your partner on a significant level, you have to have a talk about that choice before you go ahead. Otherwise you must asume that you signal to your partner that not everything that affects the other person has to be talked through before going ahead with a onesided decission.

I think the two of you need to work on your communication. You havent talked to him about his decission to go to France for days? It seems a bit strange is all. I wouldnt be surprised if he doesnt know how you feel btw. Unless you told him, or he is a mindreader.

/r/relationships Thread