My (28) girlfriend (30f) overworks herself doing chores and has meltdowns when she gets overwhelmed

Maybe a little left field but she sounds exactly like me and I have anxiety & OCDP.

I’d love for others to help take over but it’s not possible, I want everything done NOW, with the mindset that I do it myself so I know it gets done properly and quickly. I cannot sit/settle down/ go to bed unless every single thing in my mind is taken care of.

I also sometimes take out my frustration on my husband because I’m exhausted and feel like I do everything. But the reality is, there isn’t even the opportunity for him to do anything because it’s done before he even gets home or wakes up.

Sometimes my husband will wake up a bit earlier and take care of some of the chores to provide me some relief. Like fold laundry, take out garbage etc before I can get to it which is nice.

/r/relationships Thread