My [28 M] boyfriend ended our relationship because of my [25 F] past.

Your equating the act of sex to a simple number and while it is that way for you it is not that way for all people.

I've told this story before but I'll throw it out again here. I know a guy who was married for almost 20 years, had children that were still in school and due to the revelation that his wife had a FWB in college one night at a bbq he blew up his entire life and family.

We all tried to talk him out of it. Even I who can be sympathetic towards guys that get lied to told him that this was in the way distant past and that they had built a great life together. It all went in one ear and out the other. He would hear none of it.

This was a few years ago. They got divorced, his wife was devastated and she aged probably 20 years in looks in that short time and lives alone in a very small apartment in a shitty part of town. His two kids have been in and out of trouble with school and the law and before that they were both good kids (fortunately it seems as though they are getting better now that they are both graduated and out on their own). To this day he will not say her name and if he has to speak about her at all he calls her "the whore". Oh also I should add that there was a little more involved than this. The two of them were actually dating since high school so technically she was cheating on him while he stayed at home to work and she went to college. She tried to explain it that she had no emotions for the other guy it was just sex. That went over about as well as you would expect it to.

The moral of the story? Don't assume that everybody thinks alike or is logical when it comes to sex and relationships.

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