My [28f] boyfriend [34m] of two years attempted to exact a petty revenge plot against me and now I feel weird around him.

Sorry, I saw "...even asked about it here..." and missed the "here" part of it, so thought you were copy/paste troll, though with oddly non-controversial topic. Sorry, my bad!

Anyway, I'm surprised the consensus was that you were paranoid/he's just grumpy, because I totally remembered your post, and always thought of it as "the post with the scary booby-trap guy." To me it just sounded like a given that he was being passive-aggressive and even hoping you'd hurt yourself, and thought it sounded scary.

If you want to save it, I would ask him to go to counseling to work on communication with you, and maybe for him to go individually for his p/a behavior and other stuff, too. Or if you do want to break up with him, plan carefully and secretively, so he doesn't sabotage your belongings, make note of your computer/phone/website log-ins, or have the chance to mess with your log-ins, personal information, bank account, etc, or plant spyware, cameras, or whatever.

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