My (28F) fiance (34M) thinks it's a double standard if I get to inappropriately touch my girl-friends and he doesn't.

We haven't, but he would really love to. We have talked about it many times (in the heat of the moment), and I always thought I'd be able to actually do it but lately I've been made to feel otherwise.

It is weird and I don't like it. He actually gets mad at me when I don't indulge in these fantasies because he knows I know how much he likes it, and that I should try harder to make our sex life better (it hasn't been), yadda yadda...

When we came back from this last outing with my GFs, as an example, he asked me how it felt to see my friends new boobs. I described it to the best of my abilities and he got mad because I didn't make it sexier than it was.

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