My [28M] new GF [27F] thinks one of my hobbies is embarassing and doesn't want me to practice when she's around

yea and I also read the part where you described it as "throwing shit up in the air and catching it."

You're very good at writing in an insulting back-handed way. You disguise insults under the pretense of calmness. "cool hobby" followed by "throwing shit up in the air and catching it." Or in this case "it's alright - take your time and sit with your thoughts" as though you're so calm and "wholesome" that you think you can talk to me like a child.

I'm straightforward because I have better things to spend my energy on. I don't disguise my malice behind pleasant words. I think you should get a hobby instead of trying to be cool on the internet and denigrating someone elses hobby.

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