My [29F] best friend [30F] sent a nude picture of herself to my boyfriend [34M]. She is behaving very strangely and I do not know what to think.

your comment absolutely offers op optionality to keep someone in her + her boyfriends life, who has already crossed a hard, clear boundary that we all are very aware of.

I think you should be more wary of offering such ideas. It’s not a good idea to suggest nuance - when the right path is to immediately remove this person from your life.

I would not report this to the police myself, but some would - maybe that’s the nuance you want to offer.

Not “hey maybe you should talk to your bf - if this is such a good friend, how can you draw better boundaries”

I’m sorry but I am intense about this not simply because of my own assault. I am passionate about this because we are in 2022, we have clear and strict boundaries set forth in our society. Only way people like Britt will come up to speed is if they deal with real consequences.

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