My [29F] husband [26M] made me believe I had ketones in my urine So he could eat Pop Tarts

So ketones in urine is a pretty concerning thing, particularly in pregnant ladies. It usually happens in diabetics during a diabetic ketoacidosis, which is a medical emergency. So for future reference, the solution to ketones in urine is the hospital, not pop tarts.

I admire your commitment to your diet, and generally if your doctor is okay with the way you and baby are testing then your diet is okay. I am absolutely not a fan of your husband lying to you about your own health, especially with the inference that it is affecting the baby. I get why your trust in him would be damaged, and it would take a lot of discussions to repair that trust.

It would be remiss of both of you not to address the reason he lied, which is that he felt he couldn't have pop tarts in the house. Under no circumstances am I saying his behaviour was justified, the ends certainly didn't justify the means. But it might be worth considering a degree of compromise on how stringently you dictate what food is allowed in the house. Just because there are pop tarts in the cupboard doesn't mean you have to have them.

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