My [29F] husband [27M] confessed to me that he very nearly committed murder when he was a kid

There’s also a massive difference between the kind of people who did horrible things, and then reformed themselves enough to have a TedTalk, and the majority of people who do these bad things. If it makes sense, most ex-Nazis/potential murderers do not get the full therapy or education they really need to be “changed”.

I speak from experience, because I dated an ex Neo Nazi (and not the 4chan kind, the American History X kind) who had also stabbed people and had plans for fucking up his highschool (thank god for gun control). He was “”reformed”” when we started dating, except not really because despite not being a Nazi anymore, he still had severe violent tendencies and mental health issues that made him dangerous. Most ex Nazis don’t get proper therapy to address what the fuck what wrong with them to go to Nazism in ghe first place, they just stop believing. The cause of the symptom is still there and still makes them dangerous. Same goes for people who go as far as to plan fucking shooting up a school.

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